Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Journalism and Cartoons and Inventions! Oh My!

Since I haven't been writing long posts (and my mom told me that it would attract readers like flies) I'm going to write a good, long post. It's about what happened at school today. The gifted group (HATS) is in charge of student council, and even though we aren't in it, we get to do a NEWSPAPER! IT'S AMAZING I couldn't decide if I wanted to do a comic or if I wanted to do an article about something. I decided to do a column about new inventions. Other kids are doing cartoons about stuff like flowers. Some kids are interviewing teachers and stuff for front page material. I think someone should do a food section. Other kids are also doing a sports section, and a crossword! This is what one of my inventions on my column was. I'll give you a hint: radio, and the three dimensional copy of a square.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I can see a future Pulitzer Prize coming your way (like the best prize ever for writers). Is there some way I can get a subscription to your newspaper--it sounds like the hottest new publication around!!! (and will you please deliver it to my door every morning?) :)