Monday, February 25, 2008

Freaky Facts!

Here are some weird and freaky facts that I learned.
1. There are six insect legs in the average chocolate bar.
2. You eat about two spiders every year.
3. There is no copper in pennies.
4. There is about one stick of dynamite in your cloth.
5. Every dog has at least five cockroaches in it's hair.

Just thought you'd think it's funny! :D


JJ said...

Does that mean there is protein in the chocolate I eat then??? Added bonus. I'll be careful not to stand near any open flames...I'd hate for my pants to explode!!! You know you just gave your mom ANOTHER reason not to get a dog right???

Jonah Byers said...

Cody, number two isn't true.

JJ said...

How does she know that's not true? Does she count how many spiders she eats and does she eat more???? Ewwww!

Jonah Byers said...

EXCUSE ME! THIS WOULD BE JONAH! AM I A GIRL?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JJ said...

I thought your mom was anonymous genius????? I'm so confused!!!! so do you eat spiders??? Still Ewwwww!!

Jonah Byers said...

No, i'm just denying it because I (Unlike some poeple) CARE about spiders, meaning i don't eat them.

Sierra said...

Mom, Anonymous genius is Jonah. Their mom is jen and she has a picture of herself next to every comment she leaves. Don't call Jonah a girl anymore!!!

Jeanette said...

Not sure about funny. Maybe gross!?