Wednesday, June 25, 2008

From the Creator of: Thou Shalt Not Put Thy State Quarter in a Vending Machine Brings you A New Post: The Phenomenon

Here's a dream I had that was so weird it could've been an Imax movie. Here it is.

It starts off where my family goes to a big mansion for something and I notice that my mom, my dad, two uncles, and an aunt all have these weird patches on their chests. I keep on asking what they are and finally my mom takes me to a bathroom and peels back the patch and there's an eye underneath. She tells me that they gathered in the house because strange things had been happened and they think they know why. It's because of a rare phenomenon called vortexes. So me and Anonymous Genius go down into the basement and find this huge Drag racer (so cool). And for some reason my grandma came down also. This is where it gets creepy. I go into the bathroom and my grandma comes with me. All of the sudden these magnetic strips appear and start clinging to my arms. I ran out of the room and they disappeared. Then my grandma came out and said a shocking secret- she caused the vortexes. She didn't know how, she just did.
Now for some reason my dream skipped 3000 years into the future. I was, for some reason was still 11. I was riding a cool bicycle that could go over 100 miles per hour. I was also riding with a group of adults. All of the sudden we saw a car called the L.I.P. The adults told me that no one ever beat the L.I.P on a bicycle. I tried to beat it and almost did, but all of the sudden I jumped off my bike. I ran all the way down the hill and saw Zach, who, for some reason, was still 16. He asked why I didn't just beat. I said the vortexes were back. Now we went back to a house that had a lake in the back to go fishing in. I decided to sleep by the lake with my fishing pole so I could fish in the morning. When I went outside with a pillow and blanket I saw there were'nt fish but killer whales. I jumped over it with these special jump pads and halfway over the killer whales jumped up and ate my pillow and blanket. They didn't touch me, just the pillow and blanket. I started walking around the lake and found Jonah behind a tree. Strangely, he was 3011 years old, and still alive. He said the vortexes caused him to be the age he was supposed to be in that year.
Sorry, that's where my dream ended. You'll have to enjoy that much. :(

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Time I Went on a Trip With My Dad.

One fine day, me and my dad went on a trip to UCIrvine (a college) in California. Here's the summary of the trip. I also added some pictures. Enjoy! Here's me in the hotel. It was quite comfy.
Now there was a reason for this trip. My dad used to be a professor at that school and he held a sandcastle event every year to help the students understand the world of business. I went with him this time to help. The night before we left me and my brothers cut ribbons to show what job the students at the event had. Here's me holding my dad's bullhorn.

Here's my dad "Bunny Earying" me while I build MY castle.

Some of the teams built their castles to close to the water, and they asked me to build a wall to protect them. They promised me 2.50 for my work, but they stiffed me! Werg (that's dwarvish for ugh)!

Then my favorite part arrived....... SQUISHING THE CASTLES!!!!!!

These are all my times of squishing castles glory. It was really fun!

Before we left for the sandcastle thingy me and my dad took some funny pictures. Again, Enjoy!

Here's a weird picture of my dad looking in the mirror.

Here's me on the bed.

I hope you enjoyed this tale. I enjoyed the trip!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Commandment XII- Thou Shalt Not Put Thy Arizona State Quarter in a Vending Machine

One day when we were went to Costco to have dinner Curtis found a vending machine with a quarter in it. He put it in and pressed the coin return, and by chance the same type of quarter came out. So Curtis put in his Arizona State Quarter. And guess what came out? Not an Arizona State Quarter. So for the next 20 minutes we were putting quarters in the vending machine and pressing the coin return to get it. Finally, I checked one of the quarters and it was an Arizona State Quarter. It got a small yellow hue (from someplace I don't want to know) from the journey. Remember, don't do that.