Friday, June 13, 2008

The Time I Went on a Trip With My Dad.

One fine day, me and my dad went on a trip to UCIrvine (a college) in California. Here's the summary of the trip. I also added some pictures. Enjoy! Here's me in the hotel. It was quite comfy.
Now there was a reason for this trip. My dad used to be a professor at that school and he held a sandcastle event every year to help the students understand the world of business. I went with him this time to help. The night before we left me and my brothers cut ribbons to show what job the students at the event had. Here's me holding my dad's bullhorn.

Here's my dad "Bunny Earying" me while I build MY castle.

Some of the teams built their castles to close to the water, and they asked me to build a wall to protect them. They promised me 2.50 for my work, but they stiffed me! Werg (that's dwarvish for ugh)!

Then my favorite part arrived....... SQUISHING THE CASTLES!!!!!!

These are all my times of squishing castles glory. It was really fun!

Before we left for the sandcastle thingy me and my dad took some funny pictures. Again, Enjoy!

Here's a weird picture of my dad looking in the mirror.

Here's me on the bed.

I hope you enjoyed this tale. I enjoyed the trip!


Jeanette said...

Sounds like you can't trust MBA students for 2.50 an hour. Maybe they really meant doll-hairs instead of dollars. Common business ploy to mess with the hired help.
Uncle Aaron

Jen said...


Your synopsis was funny and entertaining. I thoroughly enjoy your engaging work as an aspiring author. Please accept my sincere compliments on a job well done. (heh heh, how's that for a comment?)

Love, mom