Thursday, February 7, 2008


The first thing wrong with my immune system is: WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH YOU?!?! You're always getting me SICK, not HEALTHY! Please do your job, OR I WIIL KILL YOU! (Just a figure of speech. If I did that I would be killing myself.) I hate you because you never repel sicknesses very fast!


Jen said...

Maybe you better be nice to your immune system or it will let you down even more! Not to mention, that it is the special immune system of the Bridenstine line of your family -- so even if it's crappy, it is your legacy from many awesome women! (me, Gigi, etc..)

Sorry you're sick though, maybe you should have explained that in your blog (Mrs. Nally always says you need more details in your writing -- don't leave your readers wondering WHY? you hate your immune system!)

That's all -- I sure love ya!


Becky said...

Why don't you become an immunologist and fix us all. That would be awesome!!! Although, I heard that if you put your tongue on the wart of a frog during the new moon in December while wearing lipstick that your immune system will go into overdrive and cure you in 0.2 seconds. Just in case you want to