Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to School We Go!

Well, the first thing I want to talk about (in my NEW blog) is school. Man, what's got into kids these days? They're weirder (like me). One kid just yells " I LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" all day long. AND.......... what is it with kids and football? You show them a football and they get all like " Let's build a team!"and stuff. I mean I tried to just play with some guys on a team and they completely ignored me. I was wide open, and the QB (quarterback. I will be referring to him as QB) passed to someone who was covered. Where I can just be my crazy old self is in HATS( Higley Association for Talented Students). We get to do all this cool stuff. Once we got to write these christmas mysteries. And for an early christmas present we got clockulators! It's a clock with a calculator and is in the shape of a phone! It is SO cool! Another kid named Connor, when we play a game which you kick a ball over a fence, everytime he gets it, he yells " BURRITOS!". Weird. Other than all this about school, it's just same old school.


Hannahbanana said...

Welcome to Blog land Cody! Your blog is very Cody-ish! have fun, but remember not to post anything too personal.(Like your last name, where you live, when your bday is, etc.)



Curt the Cute said...

you know I have have a school post too.